cozy long sweatercozy long sweatercozy long sweatercozy long sweatercozy long sweatercozy long sweatercozy long sweatercozy long sweatercozy long sweatercozy long sweaterSweater: H&M l Pants: Artizia (similar) l Belt: c/o White House Black Market l Boots: c/o Sorel l Hat: c/o San Diego Hat Company l Bag: Louis Vuitton l Sunglasses: Kate Spade

I’ve been on the hunt for a long sweater I can wear with my faux-leather leggings this fall, and I’m so excited I finally found this premium wool-blend turtleneck sweater! I love the oversized fit, wide arms, and long slit at the front that is perfect for us petite gals in not making the outfit look to heavy or overpowering.

– I’m wearing size XS in the sweater and it’s a great fit! Love layering it with this dainty belt which starts at Size XXS.