potty partnership
I’m sure I’m not the only parent who has dragged their feet (maybe a little too long) when it comes to potty training their toddler. We had a very busy summer and with one outing, getaway, and play date after another, consistency was the last thing we had going for us. So, needless to say, getting around to starting the potty training process for Child #2 has taken a seat on the back burner.

However, now that September’s rolled around and we are back to a regular schedule, we’re finally ready to get down to business (excuse the pun). My toddler is definitely showing signs of readiness for this milestone, such as indicating discomfort when she has a wet or soiled diaper. She even asks to be changed! (Like I couldn’t take a hint, right?)

potty partnershippotty partnershippotty partnershipTo get started, we’ve once again turned to the Pull-Ups® Potty Partnership (worked like a charm with Child #1) to help get the ball rolling. Starting the training early is very important to instil a good routine and create new habits. My daughter just turned two years old so we are tackling this head-on and full speed ahead. In no way am I rushing the process, but together and consistently we will ease into eliminating diapers for good, transitioning to Pull-Ups®, and ultimately achieving potty-training success in a reasonable amount of time. The only difference this time around is that she is in daycare one day a week which could potentially disrupt our new at-home routine. But as daunting as I thought this may be, staying committed to potty training at home can have huge results even when your child is in daycare or with a care provider. Never underestimate the power of good habits that will stick with your child when they are away from you.

potty partnershippotty partnershipThanks to the Pull-Ups® Potty Partnership, there are endless tools and resources to help us partner with our child to make a success of the journey (even when our schedules are less than ideal). Setting the stage for this undertaking involved pulling out the potty from storage, stocking up on lots of wipes, and getting multiple packages of Pull-Ups® Training Pants. We said goodbye to our diapers, and spent plenty of time practicing putting on and pulling off the new “underwear” – which have easy open sides for quick and easy changes. It was important that together we got rid of the diapers, which helped her to understand that we would only be using her new training pants from here on in.

potty partnershippotty partnershipNow that we’ve committed to potty training, it’s essential that we stay consistent with our new routine and be patient with the progress (and setbacks) that are sure to come. It’s also so important for my little one to be engaged in the whole process since this is a journey we’re taking together after all, and one that she will have to keep up with even when in daycare.  Pull-Ups.com has so many valuable tools available to help along the way, and some great advice on staying consistent even when away from home. There are also interactive and fun games online that are great for getting your little one excited about the whole experience.

potty partnershippotty partnershippotty partnershippotty partnershipHere are my favourite tips and tools from Pull-Ups.com that we’re using to get started at home, and to help us stay consistent while your child is away from home:

1. Teach your little one to put on her Pull-Ups® training pants all by herself. This will help her appreciate the degree of independence that comes with potty training. And don’t forget that once you take her out of diapers, keep her out!

2. When your child is sitting on the potty, talk to them about how their body feels, such as how their belly might start to feel a little full and to squeeze from the inside. These consistent discussions about what’s happening with their body will familiarize them with the urge to go potty and then they’ll be more likely to tell a care provider or other family member when they are away from you.

3. Keep a sticker chart (like this Potty Progess Chart) close to the potty, and have your child place a sticker on it for each potty success. Even before they actually pee in the potty, they can be rewarded for just sitting there, pulling up their training pants, flushing, and washing their hands. This will help them want to visit the potty often. Keep an eye out for Pull-Ups® special packs that include fun stickers, games and more.

4. When your child is in a new environment (such as daycare), show them the designated potty’s available there and work closely with your care providers to help them understand the approach you’re taking to train your child. Make it a point together with your little one to pack plenty of Pull-Ups® Training pants in their backpack so that they can be confident wearing the same pants at daycare as they would at home. At the end of the day commend and reward them for staying consistent while away from you.

5. Most important (and never to be taken for granted) be patient and stay consistent. When at home try to be as regular as you realistically can to help build the routine together with your child. This will serve you well even when they are away from you at daycare because they will know what their new routine is.

potty partnershippotty partnershippotty partnershippotty partnershippotty partnershipReady to start the potty training journey with your little one and have them all set for daycare? I’m so excited to be partnering with Pull-Ups® to give away a Prep for Daycare Kit (valued at $120) to help you and your toddler make a success of this very special milestone. Head over to @themintedmama on Instagram to enter!

*This post is sponsored by Pull-Ups®. In exchange for this post I have received perks in the form of products and/or compensation. All opinions on this blog are always my own.